Former Representative Joe Scarborough (of Morning Joe) Summed America’s Political Situation Well — “A Political Race to the Bottom”

© 2012 Peter Free


02 March 2012



South Park-like American politicians continue cawing into the microphone


Republican Joe Scarborough, who writes even more insightfully than he speaks, published an editorial today that succinctly synopsized the State of the Nation:


Perhaps a political party that promotes state-ordered vaginal probes, re-litigates contraception, mocks higher education, attacks JFK and runs down rabbit trails irrelevant to most Americans’ lives is best suited to win back the White House.


 But I doubt it.


[T]he Republican Party has candidates who are flawed, a message that is mush and a front-runner who is so weak that he struggled to win his home state last Tuesday.


[A] cynic could be excused for calling the likely campaign between Obama and Romney a political race to the bottom.


© 2012 Joe Scarborough, How Rick Santorum blew it, Politico (02 March 2012)



“But Pete — is Joe Scarborough’s pejorative statement fair to President Obama?”


Disappointingly, yes.


To his undying credit, President Obama has been consistently temperamentally civil.  But at every critical turn, he too has ignored the nation’s most pressing needs — focusing his considerable intelligence instead on variously cynical ploys to stay in office.


The Commander-in-Chief is certainly a brilliant politician.  But he is (apparently) unsuited to the soul-challenging strength and outspoken courage that leadership in difficult times requires.


As the nation’s challenges mount, I see little that is honorable in concentrating our resources on destructive political game-playing.



The moral? — In a developing outhouse situation, it is critical to position oneself strongly in the high seat, rather than weakly in the pit’s plop-muck


The United States is drowning in leadership’s ineptitude and its irrelevant fantasies.


This temporarily entertaining nonsense might make a great movie.  But our children and grandchildren are not going to enjoy producing or living its aftermath.