J B Shurk's sour lemony way of telling the truth — is worth a read

© 2022 Peter Free


04 April 2022



Should American politicians be placed in a bottomless vat of peanut butter?


J. B. Shurk summed the American situation this way:



You can vote for the Big Government socialists invested in totalitarianism or the Big Government socialists invested in empire and world domination.


That's American "democracy" in a nutshell — a hallowed ritual for electing criminals to positions of power from where they can commit even grander crimes with impunity in the name of the people.


Name another profession whose whole business model is centered on creating problems where none exists, so that the same people who created them can spend enormous sums of money guaranteed to make things worse.


Only politicians could declare a "war on poverty," waste tens of trillions of dollars, and get more poverty.


Only criminal kingpins could declare a "war on drugs" while keeping America's unprotected borders open to narco-terrorists and subsidizing the pharmaceutical industry in its efforts to hook Americans on opiates.


Only an unpatriotic Uniparty invested in making money, not achieving victory, could spend two decades at war, accomplish little, botch retreat, and then repopulate the homeland with nationals from the same countries we've been fighting.


Stealing taxpayers' wealth to create crises that require stealing more from taxpayers is the normal business cycle of the ruling class.


© 2022 J. B. Shurk, The Hostile Takeover of the Republican Party Will Continue, American Thinker (26 March 2022)



The same thing is going on with US policy regarding Ukraine


The Uniparty will be happy — only when nukes are flying and almost everyone is dead or too radioactive to sleep next to.



The moral? — Is natural peanut butter the society-cleansing solution?


Envision how long malevolently propagandizing politicians could 'tread water' — so to speak — in a quasi-bottomless and borderless pit of the oily-viscous stuff.


Kind'a like the La Brea Tar Pits, but arguably better smelling.