I Derive Cynical Enjoyment — from Donald Trump’s Temporary Drivership of the Republican Party’s Buffoon Bus — Such a Colorful Cartoon of the Mindlessness of American Politics

© 2015 Peter Free


22 July 2015





Please do not take any of what follows as an excuse for the Democratic Party, which simply manages to get less visibly flawed people to do its own rapacious work.



I enjoy Donald Trump’s unfiltered antics


I was not looking forward to another go round of 2012’s Republican presidential candidates trotting their predominantly weak, bigoted and ignorant minds onto the national stage.


But then in July 2015 (Praise the Lord) . . .


Master showman Donald Trump appeared to thrill us with his un-edited hymn of praise for America’s (Freudian) Id run wild:



here — decrying Mexico’s illegal immigrants as awful people


here — spouting favorably on the wisdom of blowing Iran up


here (video) — touting plutocracy’s virtue — “The point is that you can never be too greedy.”


here — on President Obama’s foreignness — “An extremely credible source has called my office and told me that @BarackObama’s birth certificate is a fraud.”


here — on the benefit of unsubtle diplomacy, apparently not recognizing that telling your adversary that you are out to screw them is usually counterproductive — “When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let’s say China in a trade deal? I beat China all the time. All the time.”


here — on the need for oppressively enforced race relations — “Our great African American President hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!”


The moral? — It is not just Trump


Donald Trump’s political persona perfectly represents the motivating essence of the Republican Party’s overpopulated bus of 2016 presidential candidates. Notice how fervently they criticize his spillage of their widely shared Truth Beans.


When one is in the business of repetitively screwing people, like the Buffoon Bus’s passengers are, it takes significant camouflaging effort to keep their rape-intended Ids out of sight.


Happily in contrast, “The Donald” is not shy about flashing his constantly erectile dickishness. There is theatrical honesty (of sorts) in that.


Trump’s untutored directness seems to appeal to a significant portion of the American public. A component that probably feels threatened by a world which recedes from the possibility of control.


Perhaps Sir Donald’s irrepressible id-ishness symbolizes the American condition. Many of us do not like where everything is going, but we don’t have an examined clue regarding how to fix it. We indulge in yammer and no reasonable plans. We are stuck.


The visceral appeal of Donald Trump’s primitive psyche demonstrates how much we are caught:


(a) Those who find him kindred-spirited use his verbal force and its implied can-do leadership to cling to hope for a better tomorrow.


(b) Those who find him entertaining use the generated humor to escape the hopelessness of America’s drift into plutocratic autocracy.


(c) The rest, too little imaginative to do either, use Trump to scapegoat the destructive psychic ills that they actually share.



Donald Trump is a peculiarly apt representative of our narcissistically witless, anti-communitarian and arguably soulless age.