C J Hopkins' brilliant piece — about Global Capitalism's failure to trick Trump — into becoming Hitler — and thereby having an excuse to putsch him

© 2020 Peter Free


10 June 2020



C J Hopkins connected the dots


As a result, we may have no good reason to doubt his analysis about what is really going on in the COVID-19 and George Floyd murder era United States.


Consider these excerpts from Hopkins' essay — which hinges on the idea that global capitalism does not like President Trump's undisguised personal manifestation of its many-many flaws:



[T]he GloboCap-Resistance Minneapolis Putsch appears to have not gone exactly to plan.


Trump failed to go full-Hitler, despite their best efforts to goad him into doing so.


It was more or less a textbook regime-change op, or “color revolution,” or whatever you call it. All the essential pieces were in place. All they needed Trump to do was declare himself dictator and impose martial law, so the generals could step in and remove him from office.


First, you need your civil unrest, large-scale protests, rioting, looting, indiscriminate violence, and so on.


A lot of this unrest needs to be authentic, so it’s best to conduct an overwhelming multi-year propaganda campaign to delegitimize and demonize your target as some sort of treasonous Hitlerian monster who’s responsible for every major problem in the country.


That way, no matter which trigger event gets things going, it will be his fault.


You will want your local government officials to allow this civil unrest to go on until it reaches the point where rioters and looters are rampaging through the hearts of cities, raiding both high-end corporate chain stores and local mom-and-pop-type businesses, and brutally assaulting their defenseless proprietors.


[Y]ou want them to unleash their cops, on the protesters, rioters, and TV reporters . . . and just generally beat the living crap out of everyone.


The goal is to generate as much hatred as possible against the regime . . . and to pressure your designated Hitler-target into losing his patience and overreacting, so you want things to get extremely ugly.


Then, you unleash the power of the media to whip folks up into a mindless frenzy of rage against your designated Hitler.


Once the generals have started in growling, you get the media to hype that, hard.


It’s the dissatisfaction with global capitalism . . . that GloboCap is determined to crush . . . .


© 2020 C. J. Hopkins, The Worst Literal Hitler Ever, Unz Review (10 June 2020) (excerpts)



Oh Lordy


Don't let my too-abbreviated quotes from Hopkins' writing dissuade you from reading his full piece.


The essay is brilliantly sardonic and full of evidence that solidly supports his points.



The moral? — When Pluto Pigs feast, their battle for snacks is never what it seems


Welcome to Ah'murika.


Where some kind of light is shining upon some kind of hill.


Both most probably generated by mounds of Pluto Pig dung and their capping stream of gaslighting farts.


Is image everything?