'Great Satan' apparently got caught doing embarrassing — probably dangerous — bioweapons 'things' in Ukraine

© 2022 Peter Free


11 March 2022



Eroding American soft power with a vengeance


Beelzebub Russia invaded Ukraine and reportedly found 30 bioweapons labs. Allegedly funded by The Great Satan:



On 7 March, the Russian armed forces discovered 30 biological compounds in Ukraine, which were possibly involved in the production of bio weapons, according to the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defence of the Russian armed forces Igor Kirillov.


The Russian MoD [Ministry of Defense] noted the United States spent more than $200 million on the work of biological laboratories in Ukraine - the laboratories of the central sanitary and epidemiological directorate of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry participated in the US military biological programme.


While the US initially slammed information about its bio warfare labs in Ukraine as "fake", on Tuesday, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted the existence of US-funded "biological research facilities" in the country.


Moscow has spent years expressing concerns about the activities of US-funded biolabs in Ukraine and other post-Soviet republics, including Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, and Georgia.


© 2022 Sputnik News, US-Funded Bio Labs in Ukraine Conducted Research Into Bat Coronavirus, Russian MoD Says, Global Times [China] (10 March 2022)





Sensible people around the world wondered why those labs were there and what the United States (and its Ukrainian puppet regime) were going to do with them.


No one, after all, ever believes Beelzebub Russia.


Having to deflect this embarrassing discovery, somehow — US Senator Marco Rubio and Under Secretary of State (for Political Affairs) Victoria Nuland engaged in the following US Senate committee exchange:



Sen. Marco Rubio:


Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?


Victoria Nuland:


Ukraine has biological research facilities which, in fact, we’re now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how we can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach.


Sen. Marco Rubio:


I’m sure you’re aware that the Russian propaganda groups are already putting out there all kinds of information about how they have uncovered a plot by the Ukrainians to unleash biological weapons in the country, and with NATO’s coordination. If there is a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack inside Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100% it would be the Russians behind it?


Victoria Nuland:


There is no doubt in my mind, senator. And in fact, it is a classic Russian technique to blame the other guy for what they are planning to do themselves.


© 2022 Dan Cohen, US Admits to Funding Biological Laboratories in Ukraine, with Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, MintPress News (10 March 2022)



Uh huh.


As a matter of History's long record, this amounts to the pot calling the kettle black.



A pertinent aside


Victoria Nuland is one of America's reasonably famous neocon-imperialists.


She had an impressively manufacturing hand in the United States' successful — neo-Nazi-supporting — coup in Ukraine in 2014.


Nuland's Machiavellian mind and political clout should not be underestimated.



Nuland-Rubio Senate exchange interpreted


The US has implicitly admitted that it knew of, and had funded, the alleged Ukrainian bioresearch.


How do we know this?


Because Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe. And arguably medically and scientifically laggard.


There is no conceivable way that Ukraine could have mounted the alleged 30 biolabs 'offensive' — without heavy-handed assistance from the Land of Human Kindness across the Wide Sea.



Notice the scripted quality of the Rubio-Nuland Senate performance


Rubio's quickness to blame airily vaulted over exceedingly obvious follow-up questions.


Any normal person — and certainly any decent representative of We the People — would explicitly have probed:



(a) which American entities had paid for the Ukrainian labs




(b) what those laboratories' alleged research was for.



Instead of acting sanely, Rubio immediately jumped to apportioning blame for future (possibly US-planned) nasty consequences.


You can fully appreciate the rapidity of Rubio's transition — from question to flat conclusion — in the following video:



Meeker Extreme, Victoria Nuland on Bio Labs in Ukraine (Streamed LIVE March 8th 2022), YouTube (10 March 2022)



This Rubio-Nuland ploy . . .


. . . pretty much parallels the already tacitly admitted American propaganda line — that the US had funded gain-of-function bat virus research in Wuhan's biolabbut when SARS-CoV-2 allegedly escaped and killed millions of people around the world — it was exclusively China's fault.


Angelic American had had nothing — at all — to do with that catastrophe.



Do we begin to see a pattern?


If you follow United States' usually camouflaged dots, you may even come to contemplate the merits (or not) of Ron Unz's hypothesis regarding who the real Bio-Villain has been all along:



© 2020-2021 Ron Unz, Major Covid/Biowarfare Articles, Unz Review (December 2021)



His reasoning is believable.


Whether it is accurate is another question.


We will, almost certainly, never know.



With respect to Ukraine's biolabs


We can hear the American feet of cover-up and deflection, pattering briskly, as we speak.


Iran knew US leadership well — when it coined its 'Great Satan' term of endearment.



What is in the offing?


I am curious to see how Russia will release some of the 'biolab' (meaning bioweapons) documentation that it found in Ukraine.


Naturally, we Americans and our (mostly mindless and spineless) European minions will turn Stone Ears to whatever comes.


Much of the rest of the world, however, will not.


We will see whether Russia is capable of subtly and skillfully using the geopolitical scalpel that we have so foolishly have handed the Federation.



In all this, I am darkly impressed . . .


. . . by the United States' overweening arrogance.


Why, after all, would we leave reportedly weaponized Ukrainian biolabs in operation, when we essentially forced the Russians to invade Ukraine and find them?


Conceit topples empires.



The moral? — When you lose soft power, lose it 'bigly'?


Whatever happens now, the United States has noticeably diminished its reputation.


The unipolar world is over. Dead as roadkill.


Surprisingly, the much contempt-i-fied Russians have partially done us in.


After rising from the Soviet grave, their resurrection came in response to the West's continually aggressive NATO prodding. That American aggressiveness, almost unbelievably, itself arriving over years of objections from some of the United States' more respected strategists.


We may tentatively conclude that no American walls are strong enough to guard against the Sheer Stupidity that we manufacture — and daily churn — inside them.