Femi Akomolafe has questions for the West — but God forbid that anyone here engage them

© 2022 Peter Free


16 July 2022



Have y'all wondered these things yourselves?


Ghana's Femi Akomolafe wrote that:



I am unqualified to venture a guess as to whether a genetic defect is responsible for the inability of Europeans, whatever they call themselves wherever they find themselves, to coexist in harmony with either nature or their co-sojourners on the Earth that we all call home.


I talk here about people who consider the unprovoked killing of human beings on industrial scales as a way of life!


First[,] they called themselves the ‘international community’ and now they have started calling themselves ‘the free world’.


[J]ust a few weeks after their ignominious and disastrous exit from their 20 or so years of rape and pillage in Afghanistan, Europeans are already engaged in a titanic, one might even call it existential, war with Russia.


And . . . they are already pivoting to beat the war drums against China in the Asia-Pacific region!


Why the unbridled penchant for unremitting confrontation and bloodletting?


Russian SMO [special military operation] in Ukraine also reveals Westerners as the most abjectly-zombified people on earth.


The speed and the alacrity with which the “free world” jumped, at the say-so of their leaders, to condemn every Russian is simply beyond belief.


Ukrainian refugees were welcomed with great enthusiasm by the same people who, a few months prior, maltreated non-white refugees who were escaping from the mayhem the West inflicted on their countries.


Why are Westerners so dumb that they cannot ask where their leaders who can’t find the money to repair their shattered economies, suddenly find the money to provide weapons to Nazis in Ukraine?


Who needs Europe with all her reckless bigotry, violence, virulent racism, cynicism, unbridled greediness, selfishness, rampant arrogance, immodesty, and wanton decadence?


© 2022 Femi Akomolafe, In Search of Enemies, thesaker.is (16 July 2022)



Keep in mind that Akomalafe's 'Europe' includes the United States.



The moral? — Humanity's hope lies in its East and South


Our so-called Free World is anything but. We'uns over here have been — mostly voluntarily — enslaved by money-grubbing 'globalist' murderers.


Pertinently, notice that Russians are white, whiteish, or — at 'worst' — pale brown.


Thus, the motivation for the West's incessant warmongering is not purely racist.


Instead, our historically well-demonstrated motivation to feed on blood comes from our overwhelming penchant for indulging in Extractive Avarice.


For proof of how this process works — and in more subtle ways than just fomenting serial wars that benefit the Military Industrial Complex — read Robert F. Kennedy Jr's:



The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Skyhorse, 2021)



In Kennedy's volume, you will find documentation regarding how the West's Big Pharma murders poor people of all colors by:



(a) pretending to 'test' already known-to-be dangerous drugs on unsuspecting victims in Africa and the United States




(b) selling known-to-be dangerous drugs to those who cannot afford Big Pharma's safer drugs' inflated (systemically propped) prices.



These moral atrocities are bred into the West's rampaging Corporate Capitalism. Of which, our perennially warmongering Military Industrial Complex is merely a subset.


Greed kills.