European Union is making a worldwide spectacle of its unbelievable stupidity

© 2022 Peter Free


10 September 2022



Achieving rock-headed cluelessness is, apparently, the goal


I often wonder how people are born — or become — this air-headedly brainless in a physically based world:



European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde ruled out providing short-term financing lines to struggling energy firms -- saying that’s the job of European Union governments.


“As far as the ECB is concerned, and the national central banks of the Eurosystem, of course we stand ready to provide liquidity to banks, not to energy utility firms,” she said.


The war in Ukraine has sent the cost of natural gas skyrocketing, causing havoc on European energy markets.


© 2022 Jorge Valero, Kamil Kowalcze and Jana Randow, Lagarde Says ECB Can Offer Liquidity to Banks, Not Energy Firms, Bloomberg (09 September 2022)



We can infer, from Lagarde's statements . . .


. . . that airily finance-manipulating banks will magically keep Europeans (and especially Germans) warm, lighted and their industries running — despite the absence of Russia-sourced fuel.


EU and national leaders — who are 100 percent responsible for having created these energy shortages, via their boomeranging anti-Russia sanctions — still do not recognize that they have literally screwed Europe's physically based world off its hinges.


Dumb, apparently, is brick-wall institutionalized into the top ranks of the Union.


Creating major survival problems — and then making them immeasurably worse — seems to be the West's new art form.


Living in cold dark caves, eating bark — appears to be the collective Greens' idea of the coming utopia.



The moral? — If European publics had more self-preserving gumption . . .


. . . leaders like Lagarde — and the upper ranks of virtually every government in Europe — would be headed for metaphorical (or not) guillotines.