Eric Holder’s Department of Justice Is Typified by its Delayed Easy Street Freeloading on the Combination of Floyd Landis’ Whistleblower Suit and USADA’s Evidentiary Case against Lance Armstrong

© 2013 Peter Free


24 February 2013



Think about it this way —


Attorney General Eric Holder’s muzzled minions have not criminally prosecuted any of the high-ranking financial criminals who brought the entire U.S. economy down.


But after bailing on the Lance Armstrong doping case its first time around in Federal jurisdiction, the Department of Justice suddenly is now willing to go after Fraudulent Lance:


(i) Two and a half years after Floyd Landis filed the original whistleblower’s suit.


(ii) And months after the United States Anti-Doping Agency indirectly made Mr. Landis’ case by supplying the necessary proof of Armstrong’s corruption.


Now that the critically necessary legal lifting has already been done by the motivated lean and fit, Holder’s high ranking, metaphorically bloated couch-slackers are willing to move in for government’s share of the money that it arguably does not deserve:



Landis' suit accuses Armstrong and his associates of defrauding the U.S. Postal Service during their tenure with the USPS cycling team.


Because Armstrong and other USPS cyclists used banned drugs and blood transfusions to gain an advantage, the suit argues they violated their sponsorship contracts with the USPS and that the government should get its money back.


© 2013Brent Schrotenboer and Kevin Johnson, Feds join civil fraud case against Lance Armstrong, USA Today (22 February 2013) (paragraph split)



Put this in perspective


Recall, here, that the U.S. Post Office — presumably victim of Armstrong’s doping duplicity — has regularly been shafted (to the point of bankruptcy) by both Executive and Legislative branches of government.  It is not as if Attorney General Holder or the President actually give a darn about the institution.


So, along comes some easy money — and guess what?  The President and his Attorney General are there with their hands out.


It is as if Lance Armstrong has committed some heretofore unheard of sin that brought the entire American world to its knees.


In contrast with Armstrong’s comparatively petty venality, the Obama Administration is off:



(i) killing American citizens and alleged terrorists (and their families) — without even simulated legal due process,


(ii) warrantlessly spying on the American public,


(iii) prosecuting (rather than assisting) whistleblowers who are legitimately pointing to corruption and illegalities within Government,




(iv) actively supporting the plutocrats who stole and continue to steal the fruits of the American economy.



The moral? — History is probably going to take a dimmer view of the Administration’s alleged contribution to national “uplift” than our sadly self-serving President would wish


The Department of Justice’s belated (but necessary) contribution to the Lance episode symbolizes the Obama Administration’s hypocritically misprioritized and sleazy stance on virtually everything it touches.