Easter bunny America — the symbolism fits

© 2022 Peter Free


19 April 2022



You have probably seen . . .


. . . the White House Easter bunny's corralling interaction with Dementia Joe Biden by now.





We have the ridiculously imaginary Easter bunny:



looking kind'a like something that wandered off a theme-confused Disney lot


the bunny probably invented so as to discourage people from taking the Christian holiday's meaning too seriously —


camera-caught in the act of literally corralling the United States' fake and visibly dementia-laden president


who was, we can infer, saying something that the Deep State preferred that he did not


about the also imaginatively concocted and blazingly falsely justified 'longest' US war in Afghanistan


which pretend-ended in a deadly debacle of genuinely asinine non-planning


with that supposedly terminated war still continuing to this day, via less visible means —


all this 'fake-i-tude' symbolically now also taking place on our Chief of State's lawn


that grass peppered with real-enough cooked eggs


provided by the American Egg Board


a name that is (itself) 'laid-an-egg' amusing, given our overall national circumstances.



The moral? — We all know that ours is always a stew of propagandized lies . . .


. . . yet we choose to believe, anyway.


Your Easter bunny suits are in the mail.


And Make-Believe Disney's got a place for y'all, I am sure.


Meanwhile, Russia, China and India are industriously busy on real ground with genuine and arguably capable leaders.