The European Union — that bastion of self-destructive stupidity — criticized President Trump for trying to protect the US from COVID-19 coronavirus

© 2020 Peter Free


12 March 2020



One can (at least occasionally) heartily commend Brexit-favoring Brits


Their adamant opposition to the European Union's often obtuse government evokes understanding. Even across oceans.



For instance


Chew on this bit of nitwitted EU pomposity:



The European Union on Thursday strongly criticized President Donald Trump's decision to "unilaterally" impose a sweeping ban on travel from European countries to the United States as part of efforts to stop the rapid spread of the coronavirus.


"The coronavirus is a global crisis, not limited to any continent and it requires cooperation," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and President of the European Council Charles Michel said in a joint statement.


They said Trump's move was taken "without consultation" from the EU.


© 2020 Kim Hjelgaard, European Union leaders slam Trump's sweeping coronavirus travel ban, USA Today (12 March 2020)





That's from the group of culture-denying fools, who talk a lot and do little that's effective. And whose emphasis on diluting national self-protection has let COVID-19 — scientifically speaking, SARS-CoV-2 — run rampant all over Europe.


The EU Establishment evidently thinks that chastising the United States (for not being completely clueless) should be one of its priorities.


This, rather than focusing itself on moving quickly to slow the virus' too-rapid spread.



A parallel


Recall how Europe's conservative national populations objected to the EU's over-the-top encouragement of culture-diluting immigration from Islamic nations?


That populist trend is going to grow stronger.


Common sense dictates that cutting one's culture-specific head off, just to please Cosmopolitanism, is suicidal.


So too, with SARS-CoV-2.



The moral? — The EU Idea is hanging itself on Stupidity's always eager rope


Every time one thinks that President Trump has annoyed Decency and Functioning Mind to a disturbingly detrimental effect — some group of voluble Adam Henrys pops up to make him look comparatively acceptable again.


What we are witnessing worldwide, is an all-encompassing combat between levels of government-sponsored brainlessness.