Dirty Pig Fat Man skillfully put his foot in it this week — and the pansy-ass Phony Opposition squealed, "Horror!"

© 2019 Peter Free


15 July 2019



One of the difficulties inherent in attacking reprehensible behavior . . .


. . . is not recognizing that so many people love and support it.



Take President Trump


Whom we might call — in a figurative, cartoon sense — "Dirty Pig Fat Man".


He revels in poopy slops.


See for instance, his inferential Twitter attack on the House of Representatives' four 'brownish' women activists.


He skillfully scatters nastiness, wherever he goes.


People eagerly lap his droppings up.


Forty-four percent, a recent poll tells us.


That's a lot of filth-sucking folks.


The President is a genius at what he does.



In contrast, the Democrats' phony opposition — is unskillful and insincere


They daily call the President (often accurate) names, attacking his alleged lack of human worth.


But this does nothing meaningful to build their own societal credibility, or to weaken his political support.


Because a pig's a pig.


And we all know that, already.



The moral? — If trying to shame the President is all that y'all can do politically . . .


. . . you are not bringing substantive worth to the societal table.


The Donkey Party is, for the most part, an agglomeration of manipulative effetes, feigning distracting outrage at every turn.


And, as Ted Rall has suggested, the Party's "liberal" base is comprised of plutocrat-coddlers. Essentially, meaning cleaned-up oligarchs more tastefully presented than their brother in spirit, President Trump.


So, what (really) are Democrats actually critiquing?


The President's lack of presentable couth?


According to them (we can infer), a tonier plutocrat-licker — like the King of Hypocrites, Barack Obama — would be a better Prez.





Is no substance dressed up, better than no substance dressed down?



I have trouble seeing significant social worth accruing in making that distinction.


People are killed, oppressed, enslaved and otherwise maltreated, either way.


It has been much more than two years since Trump was sworn in. We have yet to see a glimpse of politically effective Democratic Party opposition to him.


So far, the only true sting has come from the four women, whom the President — and Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi — have criticized.


That should tell us something.