Deep State takes advantage of President Trump's belligerent incompetence — Ukraine

© 2019 Peter Free


05 November 2019



Who wins the American coup d'état sweepstakes — does not much matter


The United States' autocratic trend will strengthen, either way.


Nevertheless, this unseemly battle is a good display of propaganda manipulators at work. We can take a "leadership" interest in which side's sheep-corralling lies and distortions are more effective.


Learning how to become an effective autocrat is, presumably, legitimate intellectual inquiry.



In the comparative competence arena


President Trump arguably comes up short.


Yes, he is certainly a genius at manipulating his voting base. Yet, the Deep State seems to have successfully maneuvered him onto national security and legal ground that takes a bit more than belligerent impulsivity to properly rebut.


Know your enemy is the rule. In anything more complicated than exploiting discontent, the President arguably does not know much.


Although I have serious doubts about the legal and Senate conviction case against the President's alleged "quid pro quo" (get the Bidens) handling of Ukraine, the incident's now-manipulated optics put Trump on uncomfortable public relations ground.



Philip Giraldi had this to say . . .


. . . on the subject:



[T]here is also a problem with the whistleblowing itself.


Paul Craig Roberts has observed that under the statute allowing intelligence agency whistleblowing, 50 USC sec. 3033, the complaint has to involve “intelligence activity,” which was not the case with the phone call.


Also, under the statute the “whistleblowing must concern either a person or activity that is under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence. One cannot use this statute to whistle blow to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, a subordinate official of the DNI, on anything that the DNI has no authority over….”


Not included under DNI authority are the president's phone calls to foreign heads of state.


So, the intelligence agency whistleblower was not even acting legally.


The involvement of the leadership of the intelligence community in certifying a whistleblower complaint that was not legitimate under its own statutory obligations again suggests a Deep State hand.


And, of course, there is a long history of attempts to . . . vilify candidate Trump and then destroy his presidency . . . after he was elected . . . .


One need only cite the names of former Director of Central Intelligence John Brennan, former FBI Director James Comey and former Director of National Intelligence head James Clapper . . . .


Finally, even if we Americans are witnessing a Deep State operation to free itself of Trump, there is certainly plenty of blame to go around for how the president has been handling the issue.


One wishes that he would keep his mouth shut and let the facts speak for themselves.


© 2019 Philip Giraldi, The Ukraine Impeachment Fiasco: Both Republicans and Democrats Being Manipulated by the Deep State, American Herald Tribune (01 October 2019) (excerpts)



Keep in mind


Intelligence operatives are masters at manipulating situations that involve people, who have exploitable character or circumstances flaws.


Even someone of laudable character and sound thinking would have trouble surviving (reputationally or actually) if one the nation's intelligence agencies decided to do him or her in.


I wonder whether the President's childishly impulsive propaganda genius is competent enough to resist being undercut, even by the Establishment's customary lies and irrelevancies.



The moral? — A disciplined devil usually survives longer and more richly than an undisciplined one


And both kinds of devils almost always do better than the angelically inclined.


This phenomenon should make us wonder where Hell is actually located.


Liberty may have to find somewhere else to live.