The Spy Clan has taken over — James Comey slimed Attorney General Sessions — without providing any proof

© 2017 Peter Free


09 June 2017



Regarding James Comey's Senate Intelligence Committee testimony


Jim Comey managed to smear Attorney General Jeff Sessions — as an implied Russian dupe or collaborator — on the basis of "spy guy" innuendo and no stated evidence:



Our judgment, as I recall, is that he [Sessions] was very close to and inevitably going to recuse himself [from the Russia-Trump Administration investigation] for a variety of reasons.


We also were aware of facts that I can't discuss in an open setting that would make his continued engagement in a Russia-related investigation problematic.


So we were convinced — in fact, I think we'd already heard that the career people were recommending that he recuse himself, that he was not going to be in contact with Russia-related matters much longer.


© 2017 Dara Lind and Tara Golshan, James Comey just hinted Jeff Sessions had more contact with Russia than we know, Vox (08 June 2017) (paragraph split)



A disclaimer


I object to Attorney General Session's often implied "the Confederacy shall rise again" professional demeanor.


But that does not mean that I want to see American institutions twisted into unrecognizability just to get him.


The same goes for our impulsively tweeting, arguably ignorant and perennially autocratic President Trump.



The worrisome aspect of Comey's anti-Sessions blast


When the advance guard of the Deep State can discredit an elected or appointed member of American government, on the basis of no stated evidence, we have surrendered democracy into Shadow Government's hands.



Think about it


Why can't former FBI Director Comey tell us what he thinks he knows about the Attorney General?


If secrets must be kept, why not just dodge the question, as he should have on ethical grounds?


If the Attorney General is a Russian dupe, collaborator or otherwise suspicious person, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's inquiry will demonstrate so soon enough.



But instead of adopting such an ethically defensible approach


Comey's genuinely masterful (I'm a boy Scout) testimony would have us believe that:



(a) it is ethically and procedurally okay to smear people (like Sessions) on the basis of secret evidence or confabulation


(b) the FBI component of the Deep State indulges this kind of anti-transparency unpleasantness for our own good




(c) secrecy is necessary because, absent concealment, America's enemies would be able to "get" the wondrous folks (or systems) that work so tirelessly behind the scenes to keep America both free and great.



Comey's implied rationale for kneecapping Sessions is Liberty-destroying bullshit


When we allow the concealed Deep State to erect impenetrable walls of secrecy around its doings and its allegations, we effectively turn our government over to a group of unnamed, unaccountable bureaucrats.



What would a more ethically founded Comey response have been?


Shut up and let Robert Mueller run with the ball.



Despite these arguably worrisome Deep State tactics — not a worried word from the Lamestream


The lack of response appears to assume that:



(i) the Deep State is good for us


(ii) a disliked American president, and his Attorney General, both deserve to get the no-evidence shaft



(iii) we contentedly accept that the United States is all theater and paranoia these days




(iv) the Constitution and transparency do not matter one bit.



The take-home message is, I guess


"Screw 1776!"



A further example of Deep State perfidy — the perambulating James Clapper


Jim Clapper — also an Obama appointee, and also a master of gravitas and clever deception — was off in Australia this week, slamming President Trump with equally evidence-lacking innuendo.


What struck me about his ethically dubious presentation was how procedurally unnecessary it was.


Clapper claimed that he wanted the Trump-Russia connection investigated. Yet Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed on 17 May, and the investigation is underway. Clapper's contribution was apparently just intended to keep the partisan Get Trump pot boiling.



See how these partisan Shadow Government figures operate?


They stab people with disinformation and innuendo. (Regarding Comey's own arguable duplicity, see Sean Davis' analysis of the former FBI Director's Senate Intelligence Committee testimony.)


Taken together, this group of umbral, evidently authoritative folk constitute the antithesis of true defenders of the foundations of republican democracy.


We would more properly use their talents in carefully confined situations. And squash them, whenever they scheme to take the reins of actual governance.



Consider this irony





(a) the American Commander in Chief were as Russia-connected and Stalinesque as his adversaries gleefully imply —




(b) Comey, Clapper and Brennan would (by now) have mysteriously vanished.



If these ex-bureaucrats really believed their Trump-Russia Conspiracy story, they would almost certainly not be talking so publicly. President Putin's espionage apparatus can get pretty much whomever it wants to.


So, if President Trump really were Putin's Puppet or Putin's Handle on America, one might suspect that the Russian president would protect his investment by getting rid of his American stooge's detractors.


Clapper and Cabal know this. They are not afraid of President Trump because they (almost certainly) realize that most of their happily cast innuendos are bullshit.



The moral? — The Deep State operates with lazy impunity because we let it


When we:



(a) grant Shadow Government minions like James Comey,


(b) the power to say or make up whatever they want,


(c) without advancing any evidence to support their allegations —


(d) we have surrendered Societal Decency to whatever manipulations these continually scheming Paranoids want to indulge.



Attorney General Sessions (questionable law enforcement figure though he may be) did not deserve former Director Comey's unsubstantiated implications of wrong-doing. Shades, for example, of Comey's 2016 Hillary Clinton-sinking.


The larger lesson is this one — when we fail to protect government transparency and procedural safeguards, we surrender Liberty and Decency to power-seeking Machiavellians.


I would rather endure an unconcealed autocrat (like President Trump) to hidden ones like those that comprise the Deep State.


The usually faceless and unaccountable scheming latter are a far greater threat to the fragments left of our freedoms, than are our visibly toxic President and his openly noxious Attorney General.


What you can see, you can guard against. What you cannot, will get you.


So where's the public outrage?


Nowhere. Because the United States is now too populous and too divorced from its revolutionary origin to have retained traces of thoughtfulness, regarding the nature of a workably free society.


This is "bad," as President Trump would characteristically say. Referring (usually exclusively) to the prevailing situation's effect on him. But it's bad for us also.