COVID Maoist, Andrew Cuomo — probably suicided whatever presidential ambitions he had

© 2020 Peter Free


25 November 2020



Imagine American sheriffs having to stop American COVID Maoists' eager slides into tyranny


From New York, regarding control of COVID-19's spread:



[New York Governor Andrew Cuomo] . . . said what happens in people’s homes is absolutely the government’s business.


The state’s new executive order limiting in-person gatherings inside private homes to 10 people has been met with considerable criticism, including law enforcement wondering how their officers can enforce this rule.


[T]he New York State Sheriff’s Association issued a three-page letter in response to the governor’s comments, stating the 10-person limit on gatherings in private homes has “caused great consternation among many of our citizens, who envision armed officers arriving at their doors to count the number of people around the Thanksgiving table.”


The letter says this would be “neither practical nor Constitutional.”


In response to the governor’s comment that law enforcement officers can’t “pick and choose” which laws they wish to enforce, the association said it finds the comment “ironic, and disingenuous” as the governor has directed that state police do not need to enforce the order.


The letter continues on to say those in law enforcement are not sure whether the 10-person limit is the right call, or number, to make.


“That is a decision for science, not us, to make,” the letter says.


“We in law enforcement do not have the resources nor the legal authority to force you to do those things. It is a matter of individual responsibility and we are confident that you will all voluntarily rise to the occasion.”


© Sydney Schaefer, Granny Killer Cuomo Calls Sherriffs Who Refuse to Enforce 10-Person Thanksgiving Ban in Homes “Dictators”, Anti-Empire (24 November 2020)



A number of California sheriffs have done the same thing . . .


. . . to (or with) Governor Newsom's arbitrarily imposed 2200 to 0500 curfew.


Among these, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims memorably added that:



. . . she would refuse to "make criminals out of normally law abiding citizens" by enforcing the order . . . adding that she had not "seen any data that shows" the virus spreads more at night.


© 2020 Aila Slisco, Some California Sheriffs Won't Enforce Newsom Curfew, LA to Focus On 'Voluntary Compliance', Newsweek (20 November 2020)



Thank God that . . .


. . . someone is this miserably run nation of ours still has a passing regard for both Constitution and common legal sense.


As a former police watch commander myself, there is no possibility that I would have obeyed anyone's orders to bust into homes to enforce more or less arbitrarily imposed limits on otherwise peaceful gatherings.



If you think about the multiple legal complications posed by such intrusively ordered Government steps . . .


. . . you immediately recognize that this is pure Gestapo territory.


The Liberty-harming precedent that these governors' Gestapo-inviting actions set — far outweighs their questionably reasoned pandemic-control utility.



The moral? — Andrew, you strong-arming fool — no future presidency for "youse"


COVID seems to be uncovering the United States' plethora of Stalin-Mao wannabes.