COVID Maoism takes another step — US House passed a bill that — creates a central system to track our immunization records

© 2021 Peter Free


03 December 2021



The horde of Elitist Louts . . .


. . . that have taken over the United States are now implementing the means to decide:



(a) who qualifies as a citizen on medical grounds




(b) who is, instead, third-tier trash — destined to be forever hounded, corralled and deprived of Liberty.



H.R.550 - Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021


A proposed statute — just passed by the House — is going to create a CDC-run database that contains all Americans' immunization records.


Notice (below) how repetitively H.R. 550 emphasizes knowing, communicating and tracking everything to do with immunization records.


My emphases in italics:



The Secretary [of Health and Human Services] shall—


“(A) conduct activities . . . to expand . . . and improve immunization information systems that are administered by health departments or other agencies of State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments . . .


“(B) award grants or cooperative agreements to the health departments . . . for the expansion, enhancement, and improvement of immunization information systems to assist public health departments in—


“(i) assessing current data infrastructure capabilities and gaps among health care providers to improve and increase consistency in patient matching, data collection, reporting, bidirectional exchange, and analysis of immunization-related information;


“(iii) improving secure data collection, transmission, bidirectional exchange, maintenance, and analysis of immunization information;


“(iv) improving the secure bidirectional exchange of immunization record data among Federal, State, local, Tribal, and territorial governmental entities and non-governmental entities, including by—


“(I) improving such exchange among public health officials in multiple jurisdictions within a State, as appropriate; and


“(II) by simplifying and supporting electronic reporting by any health care provider;


“(vi) supporting adoption of the immunization information system functional standards of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the maintenance of security standards to protect individually identifiable health information;


“(viii) supporting real-time immunization record data exchange and reporting, to support rapid identification of immunization coverage gaps;


“(ix) improving completeness of data by facilitating the capability of immunization information systems to exchange data, directly or indirectly, with immunization information systems in other jurisdictions;


“(x) enhancing the capabilities of immunization information systems to evaluate, forecast, and operationalize clinical decision support tools in alignment with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices as approved by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;


“(xi) supporting the development and implementation of policies that facilitate complete population-level capture, consolidation, and access to accurate immunization information;


“(xv) developing information related to the use and importance of immunization record data and disseminating such information to health care providers and other persons authorized under State law to access such information, including payors and health care facilities  . . . .



In other words, the Feds will know all — and tell all


So much for medical privacy.


Welcome the CDC Health God.



Your own medical providers will be enlisted . . .


. . . to spy and report on your immunization activities.


How 'Nazi' is that?


Dr. Gestapo is in your house.



Now, guess what . . .


. . . H.R. 550's Federal list of personally identifiable immunization records will be used for.


Y'all may already have thought that existing vaccine mandates were intrusive and imprisoning.


According to H.R. 550 — you ain't seen nothin' yet.


Think of how easily a Federal Database can be used to restrict where you go and what you are able to do.


Notice that the House bill explicitly facilitates transfers of this collected information to whatever federal, local, state and tribal authorities are authorized to receive and use it.


Think Transportation Security Administration and Customs and Border Protection times a million.


We will become prisoners in our own country.



Consider the circumstances that spawned this bill





An infection that kills proportionately few healthy people.


And for which, we have a handful of comparatively inefficient and arguably less than acceptably safe (but very-very profitable) vaccines.



On that artificially constructed and interpreted basis, we have Congress now trying to further obliterate our Liberties and Privacy — so as to collect immunization records on all of us.



Justification for this Totalitarianism is . . .


. . . completely based upon Government and Corporatist fearmongering.


All of which is ultimately intended to profit the world's Fat Cats.



The moral? — We are losing our Freedoms — and our Privacy . . .


. . . to feed other people's corpulent Greed.


You are watching Liberty die under the boots of these COVID Maoists.




Or lose forever, what most of us (who are still rational) thought America ideally stood for.