CDC is so bad that sensible people would abolish it — a comment about corruption

© 2022 Peter Free


06 June 2022



As COVID-control nonsense . . .


. . . still tyrannically floats around the United States, consider the following comment about the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


It comes from hematologist-oncologist Vinay Prasad.


Prasad is a precisely thinking associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California in San Francisco.


Here is what Prasad concluded — with his paragraphs slightly resequenced (by me) for argument-building flow:



The CDC failed the American people and the world.


Not running a single cluster RCT [cluster randomized controlled trial] during the entire pandemic is the greatest failure of the agency.


Like a bus driver who refuses to turn on the wipers in a storm, they were totally blind to what was in front of them, and made no effort to improve their situation.


Countless questions and the preeminent federal agency in charge ran ZERO cluster RCTs. They answered zero questions.


This, I think, is the strongest reason, public health and specifically the CDC should be stripped of powers.


A federal agency that makes policy that refuses to conduct studies is not one that follows science. It follows politics.


© 2022 Vinay Prasad, The Best Argument Public Health Should be Stripped of Power Is The CDC Ran Zero Cluster RCTs, (02 June 2022) (paragraphs resequenced)



Why do I mention this?


From the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, my most searing criticism of Government has regarded its refusal to scientifically (meaning properly) investigate absolutely anything and everything medical and epidemiological about it.


True inquiry was left to isolated physicians around the world.


These physicians and medical workers were often attacked for announcing allegedly successful COVID-19 treatment ideas that went against the unresearched norm.


This Government and Corporate-sponsored assault on good faith and genuine medical investigation continues today.



The moral? — American public health is still killing and impoverishing people


This, so as to benefit the monetary and power ambitions of its corporate and power-seeking masters.


We might as well be living during Black Plague and witch-killing times.


If you want an insightful, carefully documented look at the wall-to-wall — often literally murdering — corruption that characterizes American (and international) medicine and public health, see:



Robert F. Kennedy Jr, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, Skyhorse (2021)



The Real Anthony Fauci is the most societally important book that I have read in seven decades.


The general thrust of Robert Kennedy's findings accord with my topic-related personal and professional experiences and observations across more than 40 years.