Bloomberg is another Trump — but less entertaining — a comment about plutocratic socialism

© 2020 Peter Free


21 February 2020



Have you noticed that Mike Bloomberg . . .


. . . bought his way into the 2020 presidential candidate debates?


Not much outcry, either.


Evidently, America is openly up for sale to whomever has the biggest wallet.



That's probably a good thing


At least now, we are finally being honest about what this structurally rotting nation has become.



By the way


Even if Mike wins the Fake Party of Opposition's nomination, he will probably lose the coming presidential election.


Substantively, Bloomberg is pretty much President Trump's equally autocratic, but noticeably less entertaining brother. Toddling Donnie is memorably (even appealingly) nastier in his manipulatively genius way.


In our celebrity and conflict-dominated culture, President Trump will almost certainly win a contest between the two men. He's a genuinely gifted ringmaster.



Broadly pertinent, also


Fox's Tucker Carlson recently said something germane. America's elites have sold us out to China.


See Carlson's succinct description of this process, here.


I agree with him. I began this website years ago to protest the plutocratic establishment's America-sinking social and economic behavior.



Why the United States' everything's-for-sale mentality matters


I mentioned a few days ago that China's draconian system of governance is outpacing our own in strategic direction and efficiency.


One would have thought that Americans — at least those who like Freedom — would have wanted to compete by presenting a psychically healthier alternative to the totalitarian Chinese model.


Instead, we are perpetually quibbling over:



inflated identity issues that a more peacefully minded nation would take in smoother stride


as well as


draining our wealth by fighting unending (strategically nonsensical) wars all over the place




absurdly identifying Russians as omnipotent existential foes —


while simultaneously


eagerly and mindlessly selling ourselves to the one nation that really will (eventually) be able to metaphorically bury us.



The moral? — It's all looting now, all the time


Trump, Bloomberg — and the sociopathic cultural mechanisms that rocketed them into prominence — are accurate representations of what the United States has become.


Whether we were historically destined to end this way — given the elitist focus of United States' founders — is debatable.


What is clear is that predatory capitalism — "socialism for plutocrats" — attacks both Freedom and Humanity.


This so, via Corporatism's voracious disregard for social and ethical principles, other than those solely based on narrow elites' accumulation of capital and wealth.


The United States has become a cartoon broadly re-depicting feudalism.


This is a model unlikely to persuasively fend off China's digitally enhanced "social credit" dictatorship. Which, at least, claims — and arguably can rationally defend — the inherent dignity of the "human community".


China's is the "Enforced Cooperative Anthill Model of Humanness".


It would have been nice, if the US could have come up with something better than its contrasting "Kill Everything and Be Rich Model of Predation".


Meanwhile, enjoy the show. Self-serving American elites have put their significant all into distracting us with propagandized entertainment. We should be appreciative.