Big Pharma's coming opportunity — mandated vaccinations for specific COVID variants — distributed by region

© 2021 Peter Free


30 November 2021



When one makes an ineffective COVID vaccine . . .


. . . as assessed by traditional vaccine standards — business opportunities apparently expand.


Weeks ago, I wrote that the World Establishment rewards COVID vaccine manufacturers for their comparative failures.


We have seen that ever since. With evidence very visibly mounting that:



SARS-CoV-2 vaccines' alleged protection wanes rapidly


and further that


some geographic regions are experiencing notably higher rates of COVID infection among the vaccinated (as opposed to among the unvaccinated).



And now . . .


With regard to the still uninvestigated 'omicron' SARS-CoV-2 variant, the Party Line is that:



Although existing vaccines are probably going to be less useful — in recognizing omicron's 'mega-mutated' spike protein — we should, nevertheless, rush out to be double-dose vaccinated with the original vaccines or, even better, third dose boosterized with one of them.



You will notice that the logic of this makes little to no sense.


Why get vaccinated with the original COVID vaccines that are — according to these same Fear Terrorists — even less likely to work effectively against the omicron variant, than they did against omicron's predecessors?



Do you begin to 'sorta' see?


Making lousy vaccines rewards Big Pharma with more money. And world authorities are fine with that.


It used to be that Capitalists said that the 'better' product will win out in the allegedly Free Market.


Now, these same Automatons of Avarice are all implicitly boosting the idea that the worst products should dominate. And, further, that the public should be mandated to use them.


By way of example, notice how Pfizer is bringing in roughly five times more COVID money than Moderna. Despite the fact that Pfizer's vaccine is less effective overall than Moderna's.



Foretelling our future


Based on the COVID vaccines model (thus far), I foresee the following.


Big Pharma will manufacture specific — (mostly ineffectual and non-durable) — 'vaccines' for specific SARS-COV-2 variants.


Government will forecast which variants — or soup of variants — will predominate in which of the world's geographic regions.


The public in those places will be required to obtain the allegedly 'proper' vaccines in a timely fashion. "Timely" here meaning, at least twice a month, given how many variants will be floating around at any one time.


In short, we will be getting roughly 26 anti-COVID inoculations every year. And Big Pharma's profit line will, thereby, be happily sustained.


If We the Rabble do not obey this Fat Cat-Enrichment scheme, we will be sent to jail.


Or else subjected to a complete societal shunning. "Shunning" meaning, among other things, not being able to go to the grocery store.


Perhaps for necessary Social Credit emphasis, the US Democratic Party will stone Insurgent Resisters to death in the public square.


Can't have those guys spreading disease, can we?


Hand me a rock, Marie.



The moral? — World authorities — and Global Capitalism — are Humanity's worst enemies


Express your contempt.

