It's for your own good — the Biden administration is pressuring Facebook to censor speech

© 2021 Peter Free


16 July 2021



Maybe what follows is not overstated?


Complacency takes refuge in underestimating genuine threats.



Biden's team of surreptitiously reincarnated Nazi-Maoist-Stalinists . . .


. . . continue to crush American freedoms and routine dissent.


Glenn Greenwald has borrowed Paul Revere's horse to warn us.


But is apathetic America listening to the sound of hooves on midnight cobbles?



White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday that the White House is not only working with Facebook to flag disinformation on vaccines — it’s also asking Facebook to share data on the reach and engagement of posts deemed disinformation.


“We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation,” the White House press secretary said.


Senior Biden administration staff and members of the COVID-19 team are targeting misinformation, specifically on coronavirus vaccines and the pandemic, by keeping “in regular touch” with social media platforms, Psaki said Thursday.


The Biden administration also wants platforms like Facebook to “create a robust enforcement strategy that bridges their properties and provides transparency about the rules,” to take “faster action against harmful posts,” and to promote “quality information sources in their feed algorithm.”


© 2021 Glenn Greenwald, White House Is Flagging ‘Problematic’ Facebook Posts for Facebook to Take Down, Anti-Empire (15 July 2021)



Yeah sure, 'Dementia Joe' — you smarmy weasel


The Biden Administration's endeavor to jail speech — allegedly for our own good — is not constitutionally legal by any stretch of (even ignorant) imagination.


Government cannot evade constitutional proscriptions by pressuring private entities to do its totalitarian will.



Freedom isn't free?


You see that "freedom isn't free" slogan occasionally.


Always so, in association with the assumption that the un-free part of Freedom Preservation will be done by the (one percent) volunteer US military. Imperialistically killing, maiming and homeless-making people abroad.


That's because strategically, I guess, 'foreigners' are automatically dangerous to the Constitution and us. For reasons that no one ever persuasively spells out.


It never occurs to spoiled — arguably soft — 'home' Americans that Freedoms Erosion is at its worst over here. With American leadership continually doing its plutocratically sponsored Himmler Swing Dance behind the scenes.



The moral? — Biden's Deep State crew is (are) worse for US Liberty . . .


. . . than Babbling Idiot Trump ever dreamed of being.


Biden has the Deep and Malevolent State on his side. Trump never did.


Thus, the United States continues its enthusiastic race to the bottom of leadership quality. Can American Stalin be far behind?


Will anyone care?


At our sleepy sheep-flock rate, we will be commiserating with each other from inside a gulag.


Too late, by then — don't-cha think?