Yesterday, Bernie Sanders coddled “crooked” Hillary Clinton — and Oligarchy goose stepped on

© 2016 Peter Free

26 July 2016


At the 2016 Democratic National Convention

Forgive my adjectival excess.

Senator Bernie Sanders’ endorsement speech hugged the (allegedly crooked) Hillary Clinton.

Months of the Bern's Establishment-bashing closed ignominiously.

We were told, with spittle dripping repetitiveness, that Devil Trump’s hoof-trotting Republican presence forced Democrats to circle their wagons (of camouflaged stolen lucre).

And thus, Brother Bernie voluntarily joined the cogs in Oligarchy’s people-crushing maw.

Just as we cynics had predicted.


The only bright spot in this Cretinous Carnival is — Donald Trump’s vacuum-skulled ability to entertain

Yesterday, Mr. Buffoon had me laughing.

He excoriated “rotten” Rodham Clinton for forcing DNC chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz‘s ouster:


“Hillary threw her under a bus, and it didn’t take her more than five minutes to make that decision,” Trump said.

“Look how disloyal crooked Hillary Clinton was to somebody that put her life on the line.”

“She worked very hard to rig the system so that Hillary got it,” Trump said of Wasserman Schultz.

“Little did she know that China, Russia, one of our many many friends came in and hacked the hell out of us.”

[Vice presidential nominee] “Tim Kaine stands for the exact opposite of all of the Bernie Sanders people,” Trump said.

“Again, bad judgement.”

© 2016 Ivan Levingston, Trump: Clinton threw Wasserman Schultz ‘under a bus’, CNBC (25 July 2016) (extracts)


Notice that

Trump effortlessly worked corruption, disloyalty, flawed national security, and bad judgment into a short message.

Each allegation is arguably true. Which gives the barbs staying power.


The moral? — No wonder that infuriated people like Mr. Trump

He is one of the few in our political theater who occasionally says enragingly true things.

On the other hand, his ignorance, lack of mental discipline and effulgent narcissism would make him dangerous with nukes. And a whole bunch of other stuff.

Faced with an election that pits this acerbic Buffoon against a Pluto-Militaristic Warmonger, Peter Van Buren observed that:


We have a reality TV star and real estate developer running against the only candidate in American history seeking the White House while under an active FBI criminal investigation.

What’s a voter with still intact critical thinking skills to do? Fall victim to the emerging meme of both candidates, vote for the lesser of two evils, pick me or you’ll get the other one?

Are we really supposed to participate in an electoral process that is subtitled “Pick the One That Sucks a Little Less?”

No. Let the whole damn thing burn down and collapse.

© 2016 Peter van Buren, Burn It All Down, (29 June 2016)


I am inclined to agree. We could accept Karma’s licks.

Perhaps we will renew ourselves after a Lesson in Scorch. Just like the mythologically regenerating Phoenix.

Feel the Bern” — so to speak — in a different context.