The American press — favors coverage of Hong Kong's protests — over France's much more relevant "yellow vest" uprising

© 2019 Peter Free


28 August 2019



If you want a clue — about who controls our propagandizing American media


Consider how France's yellow vests almost immediately faded from US news. Despite the fact that the gilets jaunes were out and about during this week's G7 meeting in Bayonne.


Taking the yellow vests' place in the news are Hong Kong's culturally and legally less relevant street protests. This, we can surmise, is happening because communist China is their target — rather than the Western Oligarchy which controls the "developed" world's pretended "civilization".


Can't have our western media covering something that the American Rabble might find significant enough to emulate.



The moral? — If you do not recognize the bars that cage you — you will not revolt


That's the entire point to why and how our minds are manipulated each day.