Admiral John Aquilino spoke — about beating China in its own sphere of influence

© 2022 Peter Free


21 March 2022



US military leadership flaunts its aggressively unjustified confidence — again


Below is the head of US Indo-Pacific Command abrasively provoking China.


Context comes first:



China has fully militarized at least three of several islands it built in the disputed South China Sea, arming them with anti-ship and anti-aircraft missile systems, laser and jamming equipment, and fighter jets in an increasingly aggressive move that threatens all nations operating nearby, a top U.S. military commander said Sunday.


“I think over the past 20 years we’ve witnessed the largest military buildup since World War II by the PRC,” [Admiral John. C.] Aquilino told The Associated Press in an interview, using the initials of China’s formal name.


“They have advanced all their capabilities and that buildup of weaponization is destabilizing to the region.”


Washington’s main objective in the disputed region is “to prevent war” through deterrence and promote peace and stability, including by engaging American allies and partners in projects with that objective, Aquilino said.


“Should deterrence fail, my second mission is to be prepared to fight and win,” said Aquilino, who leads the largest U.S. combatant command with 380,000 military and civilian personnel covering 36 nations and territories.


© 2022 Jim Gomez and Aaron Favila, US admiral says China fully militarized isles, AP (21 March 2022)



Translating Admiral Aquilino's propaganda prattle


Heretofore, the US Imperium has been unchecked worldwide. But now China is asserting its economic and military might in waters immediately adjacent to itself.


In short, the (inferably evil) Chinese are running counter to the historic current that saw the United States fortify everything — in its own name — all over the planet.


China's comparatively small resistance to the American Imperium cannot be good for our Fat Cat-profiting military.


Therefore, we mighty Americans will have to suffocate China's growth and expanding influence.


Thus — implies Admiral Aquilino — it is his sworn duty to preserve the pillaging peace and pretended stability that America's Angels of Goodliness have so kindly, helpfully and — in saint-like White Man's Burden fashion — brought the Eastern Hemisphere.



Sure, Admiral


I suspect that the China's response will rightfully (and probably emphatically) dismiss our false concern for other people's well-being.


The PRC's leadership is bright enough to distinguish 'stability' — from the 'American control' — that Admiral Aquilino presumptuously assumes is the same thing.



The moral? — the US parades geopolitical stupidity, hostility and avarice at every opportunity


Winning in China's home waters — in the conceited manner that Aquilino seems to suggest — is not even a remote possibility.


Why has the American System made these strutting blowhards so impenetrably impervious to Life and History's lessons?


And why should We the People continue to feed them the nation's wealth and the lives of our troops?