Attorney General Bill Barr said that — police pepper spray is not a chemical irritant — evidently, just like water boarding is not torture

© 2020 Peter Free


08 June 2020



Those fat Trumpy white guys — ain't they fun?


Attorney General Bill Barr managed to make himself look both stupid and nasty in the same breath:



Last Monday, US Park Police (USPP) officers used smoke canisters and pepper spray to clear a citizens' protest against police brutality near St. John's Episcopal Church in Lafayette Park, Washington DC.


US attorney general William Barr ordered the dispersal so President Trump could have his photograph taken at the church.


And in an interview with CBS's Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan, which aired Sunday, Barr not only defended the officers' actions, but falsely claimed that the non-lethal weapons they used "were not chemical irritants."


"Did you think it was appropriate for them to use smoke bombs, tear gas, pepper balls, projectiles at what appeared to be peaceful protesters?" Brennan asked Barr.


"Pepper spray is not a chemical irritant. It's not chemical," the attorney general responded . . . .


© 2020 Aylin Woodward, AG Barr says pepper spray 'is not a chemical irritant.' But the company that makes pepper-spraying balls says otherwise, Insider (07 June 2020)



Presumably, according to Barr . . .


. . . pepper spray's non-chemical non-irritancy works in the same way that using benign water in waterboarding divorces that fun-filled practice from constituting torture.



Barr's pepper spray statement is darkly funny on a couple of levels


First, everything is chemical — being made of atoms and molecules.


Second, if the Attorney General thinks that pepper spray is not irritating:



(a) he has never experienced it




(b) he is too stupid to deduce from other people's reactions to it that it is a mucous membrane-inflaming substance.




With those obvious errors of Barr-cognition having been made


I tentatively lump the Attorney General into humanity's — Reflexively Sadistic White Guy — sub-clump of folk.



The moral? — AG Barr increasingly becomes a purulent sore on America's front and backsides


"Articulate lout" is probably a good description.


The Attorney General's deviously honed capacity for doing evil are certainly why Toddling Donny picked him for the job.


This command duo's combination of ignorance, analytical vacuousness, non-stop lie-telling — and eager sadism — is unfortunate.


Hillary Clinton's word — deplorable — should reappear in our conversation, but aimed less indiscriminately than (equally un-tasty) she had pointed it.